Instantiates a single Component
type and inserts its Host View into current View. NgComponentOutlet
provides a declarative approach for dynamic component creation.
属性 | 说明 |
@Input() | |
@Input() | |
@Input() | |
@Input() |
requires a component type, if a falsy value is set the view will clear and any existing component will get destroyed.
Fine tune control
You can control the component creation process by using the following optional attributes:
: Optional customInjector
that will be used as parent for the Component. Defaults to the injector of the current view container.ngComponentOutletContent
: Optional list of projectable nodes to insert into the content section of the component, if exists.ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory
: Optional module factory to allow dynamically loading other module, then load a component from that module.
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression"></ng-container>
Customized injector/content
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression;
injector: injectorExpression;
content: contentNodesExpression;">
Customized ngModuleFactory
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression;
ngModuleFactory: moduleFactory;">
A simple example
- @Component({selector: 'hello-world', template: 'Hello World!'})
- class HelloWorld {
- }
- @Component({
- selector: 'ng-component-outlet-simple-example',
- template: `<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="HelloWorld"></ng-container>`
- })
- class NgTemplateOutletSimpleExample {
- // This field is necessary to expose HelloWorld to the template.
- HelloWorld = HelloWorld;
- }
A more complete example with additional options:
- @Injectable()
- class Greeter {
- suffix = '!';
- }
- @Component({
- selector: 'complete-component',
- template: `Complete: <ng-content></ng-content> <ng-content></ng-content>{{ greeter.suffix }}`
- })
- class CompleteComponent {
- constructor(public greeter: Greeter) {}
- }
- @Component({
- selector: 'ng-component-outlet-complete-example',
- template: `
- <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="CompleteComponent;
- injector: myInjector;
- content: myContent"></ng-container>`
- })
- class NgTemplateOutletCompleteExample {
- // This field is necessary to expose CompleteComponent to the template.
- CompleteComponent = CompleteComponent;
- myInjector: Injector;
- myContent = [[document.createTextNode('Ahoj')], [document.createTextNode('Svet')]];
- constructor(injector: Injector) {
- this.myInjector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([Greeter], injector);
- }
- }
A more complete example with ngModuleFactory:
- @Component({selector: 'other-module-component', template: `Other Module Component!`})
- class OtherModuleComponent {
- }
- @Component({
- selector: 'ng-component-outlet-other-module-example',
- template: `
- <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="OtherModuleComponent;
- ngModuleFactory: myModule;"></ng-container>`
- })
- class NgTemplateOutletOtherModuleExample {
- // This field is necessary to expose OtherModuleComponent to the template.
- OtherModuleComponent = OtherModuleComponent;
- myModule: NgModuleFactory<any>;
- constructor(compiler: Compiler) { this.myModule = compiler.compileModuleSync(OtherModule); }
- }
参数没有参数。 |