

Represents router configuration.


type Routes = Route[];
      type Routes = Route[];


Routes 是个表示路由配置的数组。每一个都具有下列属性:

Routes is an array of route configurations. Each one has the following properties:

  • path 是一个用于路由匹配 DSL 中的字符串。

    path is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.

  • pathMatch是一个用来指定路由匹配策略的字符串。

    pathMatch is a string that specifies the matching strategy.

  • matcher 定义了一个用于路径匹配的自定义策略,指定了它就会代替 pathpathMatch

    matcher defines a custom strategy for path matching and supersedes path and pathMatch.

  • component 是一个组件类型。

    component is a component type.

  • redirectTo 是一个 URL 片段,它将会代替当前匹配的 URL 片段。

    redirectTo is the url fragment which will replace the current matched segment.

  • outlet 是该组件要放进的出口的名字。

    outlet is the name of the outlet the component should be placed into.

  • canActivate 是一个 DI 令牌的数组,用于查阅 CanActivate 处理器,欲知详情,参见 CanActivate

    canActivate is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanActivate handlers. See CanActivate for more info.

  • canActivateChild 是一个 DI 令牌的数组,用于查阅 CanActivateChild 处理器,欲知详情,参见 CanActivateChild

    canActivateChild is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanActivateChild handlers. See CanActivateChild for more info.

  • canDeactivate 是一个 DI 令牌的数组,用于查阅 CanDeactivate 处理器,欲知详情,参见 CanDeactivate

    canDeactivate is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanDeactivate handlers. See CanDeactivate for more info.

  • canLoad 是一个 DI 令牌的数组,用于查阅 CanLoad 处理器,欲知详情,参见 CanLoad

    canLoad is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanLoad handlers. See CanLoad for more info.

  • data 是一个可通过 ActivatedRoute 提供给组件的附加数据。

    data is additional data provided to the component via ActivatedRoute.

  • resolve 是一个 DI 令牌的映射表,用于查阅数据解析器。欲知详情,参见 Resolve

    resolve is a map of DI tokens used to look up data resolvers. See Resolve for more info.

  • runGuardsAndResolvers defines when guards and resolvers will be run. By default they run only when the matrix parameters of the route change. Options include:

    • paramsChange (default) - Run guards and resolvers when path or matrix params change. This mode ignores query param changes.
    • paramsOrQueryParamsChange - Guards and resolvers will run when any parameters change. This includes path, matrix, and query params.
    • pathParamsChange - Run guards and resolvers path or any path params change. This mode is useful if you want to ignore changes to all optional parameters such as query and matrix params.
    • pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange - Same as pathParamsChange, but also rerun when any query param changes
    • always - Run guards and resolvers on every navigation.
    • (from: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, to: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) => boolean - Use a predicate function when none of the pre-configured modes fit the needs of the application. An example might be when you need to ignore updates to a param such as sortDirection, but need to reload guards and resolvers when changing the searchRoot param.

    runGuardsAndResolvers 定义了路由守卫和解析器的运行时机。默认情况下,它们只会在路由的矩阵参数(#)变化时才会执行。 当设置为 paramsOrQueryParamsChange 时,它们在查询参数(?)变化时也会执行。当设置为 always 时,它们每次都会执行。

  • children 是一个子路由定义构成的数组。

    children is an array of child route definitions.

  • loadChildren 是一个用于惰性加载子路由的引用。欲知详情,参见 LoadChildren

    loadChildren is a reference to lazy loaded child routes. See LoadChildren for more info.



Simple Configuration

[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team, children: [{ path: 'user/:name', component: User }] }]
  path: 'team/:id',
 component: Team,
  children: [{
    path: 'user/:name',
    component: User

当导航到 /team/11/user/bob 时,路由器将会创建一个 Team 组件,其中包含一个 User 组件。

When navigating to /team/11/user/bob, the router will create the team component with the user component in it.


Multiple Outlets

[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team }, { path: 'chat/:user', component: Chat outlet: 'aux' }]
  path: 'team/:id',
  component: Team
}, {
  path: 'chat/:user',
  component: Chat
  outlet: 'aux'

在导航到 /team/11(aux:chat/jim) 时,路由器将会在创建了 Chat 组件之后创建一个 Team 组件。Chat 组件会被放进 aux 路由出口中。

When navigating to /team/11(aux:chat/jim), the router will create the team component next to the chat component. The chat component will be placed into the aux outlet.


Wild Cards

[{ path: '**', component: Sink }]
  path: '**',
  component: Sink

无论你导航到哪里,路由器都会实例化这个 Sink 组件。

Regardless of where you navigate to, the router will instantiate the sink component.



[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team, children: [{ path: 'legacy/user/:name', redirectTo: 'user/:name' }, { path: 'user/:name', component: User }] }]
  path: 'team/:id',
  component: Team,
  children: [{
    path: 'legacy/user/:name',
    redirectTo: 'user/:name'
  }, {
    path: 'user/:name',
    component: User

当导航到 '/team/11/legacy/user/jim' 时,路由器将会把 URL 改成 '/team/11/user/jim',然后实例化一个 Team 组件,其中包含一个 User 组件。

When navigating to '/team/11/legacy/user/jim', the router will change the url to '/team/11/user/jim', and then will instantiate the team component with the user component in it.

如果 redirectTo 的值是以 / 开头的,则会执行一次绝对导航。比如,如果上面的例子中我们把 redirectTo 改为 /user/:name, 那么最终的 url 就会是 '/user/jim'

If the redirectTo value starts with a '/', then it is an absolute redirect. E.g., if in the example above we change the redirectTo to /user/:name, the result url will be '/user/jim'.


Empty Path

空路径路由可用来实例化一些不"消费"任何 url 区段的组件。来看下列配置:

Empty-path route configurations can be used to instantiate components that do not 'consume' any url segments. Let's look at the following configuration:

[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team, children: [{ path: '', component: AllUsers }, { path: 'user/:name', component: User }] }]
  path: 'team/:id',
  component: Team,
  children: [{
    path: '',
    component: AllUsers
  }, {
    path: 'user/:name',
    component: User

当导航到 /team/11 时,路由器就会实例化 AllUsers 组件。

When navigating to /team/11, the router will instantiate the AllUsers component.


Empty-path routes can have children.

[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team, children: [{ path: '', component: WrapperCmp, children: [{ path: 'user/:name', component: User }] }] }]
  1. [{
  2. path: 'team/:id',
  3. component: Team,
  4. children: [{
  5. path: '',
  6. component: WrapperCmp,
  7. children: [{
  8. path: 'user/:name',
  9. component: User
  10. }]
  11. }]
  12. }]

当导航到 /team/11/user/jim 时,路由器将会实例化 WrapperCmp,其中还有一个 User 组件。

When navigating to /team/11/user/jim, the router will instantiate the wrapper component with the user component in it.


An empty path route inherits its parent's params and data. This is because it cannot have its own params, and, as a result, it often uses its parent's params and data as its own.


Matching Strategy

默认情况下,路由器会查看当前 URL 中还剩下什么,并检查它是否以指定的路径开头(比如 /team/11/user 就是用 team/:id 开头的)。

By default the router will look at what is left in the url, and check if it starts with the specified path (e.g., /team/11/user starts with team/:id).

我们可以修改匹配策略,以确保该路径匹配所有尚未消费的 url,它相当于 unconsumedUrl === path 或正则表达式中的 $

We can change the matching strategy to make sure that the path covers the whole unconsumed url, which is akin to unconsumedUrl === path or $ regular expressions.


This is particularly important when redirecting empty-path routes.

[{ path: '', pathMatch: 'prefix', //default redirectTo: 'main' }, { path: 'main', component: Main }]
  path: '',
  pathMatch: 'prefix', //default
  redirectTo: 'main'
}, {
  path: 'main',
  component: Main

由于空路径是任何 url 的前缀,所以即使想导航到 '/main',路由器仍然会执行这次跳转。

Since an empty path is a prefix of any url, even when navigating to '/main', the router will still apply the redirect.

如果指定了 pathMatch: full,则路由器只有在导航到 '/' 时才会执行这次跳转。

If pathMatch: full is provided, the router will apply the redirect if and only if navigating to '/'.

[{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: 'main' }, { path: 'main', component: Main }]
  path: '',
  pathMatch: 'full',
  redirectTo: 'main'
}, {
  path: 'main',
  component: Main


Componentless Routes


It is useful at times to have the ability to share parameters between sibling components.

假设我们有两个组件 ChildCmpAuxCmp,它们彼此相邻,并且都需要一个 id 参数。

Say we have two components--ChildCmp and AuxCmp--that we want to put next to each other and both of them require some id parameter.

解决方案之一就是伪造一个父组件,这样一来,这些兄弟组件就可以通过它获取同一个 id 参数了。但这还不理想。我们要改用无组件路由。

One way to do that would be to have a bogus parent component, so both the siblings can get the id parameter from it. This is not ideal. Instead, you can use a componentless route.

[{ path: 'parent/:id', children: [ { path: 'a', component: MainChild }, { path: 'b', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' } ] }]
   path: 'parent/:id',
   children: [
     { path: 'a', component: MainChild },
     { path: 'b', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' }

这样当导航到 parent/10/(a//aux:b) 时,该路由将会先后实例化主要的子控件和辅助子控件。在这个例子中,应用组件必须定义主路由出口和 aux 出口。

So when navigating to parent/10/(a//aux:b), the route will instantiate the main child and aux child components next to each other. In this example, the application component has to have the primary and aux outlets defined.

路由器还会把这个无组件父路由的 paramsdataresolve 结果合并到子路由的 paramsdataresolve 中。 之所以能这样,是因为这里没有组件能接收这个无组件父路由的激活路由信息,所以只能合并到子路由中。

The router will also merge the params, data, and resolve of the componentless parent into the params, data, and resolve of the children. This is done because there is no component that can inject the activated route of the componentless parent.


This is especially useful when child components are defined as follows:

[{ path: 'parent/:id', children: [ { path: '', component: MainChild }, { path: '', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' } ] }]
   path: 'parent/:id',
   children: [
     { path: '', component: MainChild },
     { path: '', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' }

使用这种配置,导航到 '/parent/10' 时就会创建主要的子组件和辅助子组件。

With this configuration in place, navigating to '/parent/10' will create the main child and aux components.


Lazy Loading

惰性加载可以通过把应用拆分成多个发布包,并按需加载它们,来加速应用的启动时间。 路由器的设计让惰性加载非常简易。只要用 loadChildren 属性代替 children 属性就可以了,例如:

Lazy loading speeds up our application load time by splitting it into multiple bundles, and loading them on demand. The router is designed to make lazy loading simple and easy. Instead of providing the children property, you can provide the loadChildren property, as follows:

[{ path: 'team/:id', component: Team, loadChildren: 'team' }]
  path: 'team/:id',
  component: Team,
  loadChildren: 'team'

路由器会使用已注册的 NgModuleFactoryLoader 来获取与 team 相关的 NgModule。 然后,它就会提取出那个 NgModule 中定义的一组路由,并透明的把那些路由添加到主路由配置中。

The router will use registered NgModuleFactoryLoader to fetch an NgModule associated with 'team'. Then it will extract the set of routes defined in that NgModule, and will transparently add those routes to the main configuration.