ng new

Creates a new workspace and an initial Angular app.

ng new <name> [options]
      ng new <name> [options]
ng n <name> [options]
      ng n <name> [options]


Creates and initializes a new Angular app that is the default project for a new workspace.

Provides interactive prompts for optional configuration, such as adding routing support. All prompts can safely be allowed to default.

  • The new workspace folder is given the specified project name, and contains configuration files at the top level.

  • The new app files are placed in the src/ subfolder. A corresponding end-to-end test app is placed in the e2e/ subfolder.

  • The new app's configuration appears in the projects section of the angular.json workspace configuration file, under its project name.



The name of the new workspace and initial project.



A collection of schematics to use in generating the initial app.

别名: -c


Initial git repository commit information.

默认值: true


When true (the default), creates a new initial app project in the new workspace.

默认值: true


When true, disables interactive input prompts for options with a default.

默认值: false


The directory name to create the workspace in.


When true, runs through and reports activity without writing out results.

默认值: false

别名: -d


EXPERIMENTAL: When true, creates a new app that uses the Ivy rendering engine.

默认值: false


When true, forces overwriting of existing files.

默认值: false

别名: -f


Shows a help message for this command in the console.

默认值: false


When true, includes styles inline in the component TS file. By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component TS file.

默认值: false

别名: -s


When true, includes template inline in the component TS file. By default, an external template file is created and referenced in the component TS file.

默认值: false

别名: -t


When false, disables interactive input prompts.

默认值: false


When true, creates a project without any testing frameworks.

默认值: false


The path where new projects will be created, relative to the new workspace root.

默认值: projects


The prefix to apply to generated selectors for the initial project.

默认值: app

别名: -p


When true, generates a routing module for the initial project.

默认值: false


When true, does not initialize a git repository.

默认值: false

别名: -g


When true, does not install dependency packages.

默认值: false


When true, does not generate "spec.ts" test files for the new project.

默认值: false

别名: -S


The file extension to use for style files.

默认值: css


When true, adds more details to output logging.

默认值: false

别名: -v


The view encapsulation strategy to use in the initial project.